Mental Health

What We Do:

The mental health team diligently seeks tailored solutions for each student and situation, employing an array of counseling strategies to address social and emotional needs effectively. Their collaborative efforts extend to educators, parents, and fellow professionals, culminating in the creation of safe, nurturing learning environments that fortify the bonds between home and school. With a focus on prevention, they provide counseling services to students and engage with individuals and their families, all with the overarching aim of promoting the optimal mental well-being of the student.

Resources & Links:

Sonya Sukup
Sonya Sukup
Licensed Mental Health Practitioner
Department Coordinator
Kassandra Cornwell
Kassandra Cornwell
Provisional Licensed Mental Health Practitioner
Iris Medina Gonzalaz
Iris Medina Gonzalez
Provisional Licensed Mental Health Practitioner
Meridie Kaup
Merridie Kaup
Licensed Independent Mental Health Practitioner
Ext. 1044
Ingrid Rodriguez
Ingrid Rodriguez
Provisional Licensed Mental Health Practitioner
Lynn Webster
Lynne Webster
Provisional Licensed Mental Health Practitioner
Megan Welch
Megan Welch
Licensed Independent Mental Health Practitioner
Ext. 1049